Terms & Conditions

Your Dependable Nationwide Moving Service


QC Refers the Quick and Careful Moving LLC, QC Moving Systems LLC, or QCM Delivery LLC

Terms and Conditions are subject to amendment, change and addenda, immediate effective upon publication on www.qcmoving.com. These terms and conditions are part and parcel, by reference hereto, of any Work Order, Estimate, Contract or Purchase Order entered into between the Parties (“Agreement”). These terms and conditions outline the liability, exclusions, and cost controls of the upcoming scheduled move between the Parties. In order to receive service, Customer can either sign, or reply in writing, electronically via e-mail referencing the written order, that Customer formally agrees to the terms and conditions of the QC Agreement. Parties are urged to read it carefully, as it covers important information regarding QC service.

Load only Services Warning

Customer’s who hire QC only to load a rental truck, pod, ABF trailer, container, customer vehicle, or similar, but not transport and unload, should be cautious. Customer hereby acknowledge and agree that QC is not liable for the condition of my furniture at the destination especially if customer does not hire them to drive and unload as well.


Customer agree to complete payment in full at the end of the move. Credit Card Payments are subject to 4% fee, check is preferred method of payment. Respectfully, checks should be made out to QC Moving. Moves over 40 miles (charged based on shipment weight) must be paid for upon arrival to the destination prior to the unload of the items.

Breach of Payment Agreement

Should a dispute arise regarding the perceived quality of service, customer understands that does it not give permission to withhold payment and hereby still agrees to pay the assigned charges prior to QC departure.

Upon request, the QC office will follow up to address any service issues (goal of 1 to 2 business days). Any customer witholding of payment upon contracted attempt to collect near time of departure by our move team, stop payment, or card charge dispute of a charges, customer is automatically in breach of the Service Agreement. Customer hereby agrees to cover the cost of all collection expenses plus the moving service charges in full, including attorney and bank fees and, if applicable, QC’s billable hourly rate to file court proceedings. “Console Freightways Corp v. Terry Truck, INC., 612 F.2d465 (9thcir.) 460 U.S. 533 (1983). “Nor can the shipper (customer) be excused from paying for the move because he suffered loss or damage or because he perceives that he did not receive the quality of service to which he was entitled.

Release of Liability

QC strictly prohibits transporting, handling, packing, or acknowledging the presence of: cash, coin jars, currency, jewelry in or outside of a jewelry cabinet, fur, hard drives, irreplaceable sentimental items such as human/animal ashes, or similar. Not only is such an alleged loss automatically hereby waived, Customer agrees to remove all such items from all property(ies) QC will be in vacinity or hired to access to ensure automatic dismissal of any related claims, despite what inventory list may or may not be submitted to QC. Customer understands QC service ends officially upon jobsite departure.


Customer hereby indemnifies and agrees to defend and hold QC, and any of its agents, harmless against any and all losses and liabilities, including but not limited to costs, expenses, attorneys’ fees, fines, damages, injuries, claims, demands, causes ofaction, and lawsuits of any kind (other than for gross negligence), in any way arising from, as a result of, in connection with QC’s service, including without limitation, customer breach of his or her obligations pursuant to the Agreement.

Governing Law

The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan and, as applicable, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation. Customer knowingly and voluntarily waives customer’s right to a trial by jury with respect to any claims, dispute, or conflict with QC.

Entire Agreement

The Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement between Customer and QC with respect to QC’s rendered service. The Agreement will supersede all prior oral or written discussions, representations and warranties, both written and oral with respect to that subject matter. No verbal or unwritten estimates are enforceable. The Parties should insist that all commitments be reduced to writing. To manage and adjust any time restrictions, spending limits, start times, end times, total service of QC, or bill totals, the same must be expressly stated in writing and agreed to by the Parties. Upon any occurrence, traffic incident, or disputes resulting in damage or injury, no matter the distance of the move, Customer agrees to remit payment in full to QC, immediately, upon attempted collection by QC.

Professional Discretion

QC reserves the right to refuse any task or job if a QC employee or personnel find it as a concern of health, safety, legality, or otherwise at QC’s sole discretion. We reserve the right to be paid for services rendered even if customer feels an item was left behind or mishandled. Payment cannot be witheld based on the premise that the move was not done to their satisfaction.

Customers Limited Damage Coverage

As of 2019, Quick and Careful Moving, by default provides its customers what is referred to as the LEGAL MINIMUM COVERAGE OF 60 CENTS PER POUND PER ITEM. Customers are encouraged to purchase third party move insurance or utilize their homeowner/renters policy if/when they have items they need protected from damage or loss of value from the move.

QC reserves the right to offer moving services without providing full value protection so long as this is hereby stated and done so under law. To assess any damages to your property: please inspect the home, furniture, and electronics while QC is still present. Items valued at more than $100 per pound are automatically not covered by QC Moving unless its value is expressed on a high value inventory form (Request HVI form before move date if applicable). At the end of the move Customer will be requested to sign a short post move agreement stating that they have inspected for damage caused by QC and found none. Customer of course reserves the right to refuse if applicable, but still expected to complete in full payment.


QC makes no guarantees related to the spreading or prevention of the virus in any way. If others including (but not limited to) family, friends, neighbors, caregivers, or other services providers have pre-existing health conditions or could be considered in the high risk group for complications or death related to COVID-19, please consult with medical professionals and family to decide if hiring in home services such as movers is a sound step for you at this time. If you have similar symptoms to that of COVD-19 (100+ temp, cold, croaky voice, pneumonia, lack of smell and/or taste, please postpone your scheduled service with QC for at least 30 days and notify us of the reason so we can provide up to date recommendations and guidance on doing so as safely as possible. QC will do our best to follow quickly changing recommended guidelines and administer employee testing as supplies are available. We do hereby reserve the right to remove gloves and masks at our discretion on an as needed basis for securely gripping items, prevention of hyperthermia, heat exhaustion, and so forth, within the boundaries of safety and law.

Cost Considerations

1. If additional movers are required to safely handle a task or item, prevent burnout on larger than expected move, or simply by your request, rate will increase by $60 per hour per additional mover, respectively.
2. We do not have “everything will fit” guarantee.
3. If customer understates the size of their move, storage, walking distance, difficulty/weight involved, they should expect the increase billed hours or contractual charges to increase accordingly.
4. To ensure your items aren’t hiding under pads/debri during unload, and to restore/track our move equipment, folding the moving pads and a basic clean-up as we unload is done during our hourly service.
5. Customer is responsible for parking tickets issued to QC if there are no other reasonable/optimal parking spaces available to QC.
6. As an industry standard, QC bills from dispatch to return from our nearest active dispatch location.
7. QC reserves the right to change our rates based on calendar day, week, month, and season. Rescheduled moves that land on a higher demand date may be subject to rate change.
8. Moves that are estimated based on an hourly rate are strictly hourly. QC does not offer flat rate moves. Only hourly (less than 40.0 mile moves) and weight based (greater or equal to 40.0 mile moves)

QC is Released from Liability from:

1. Moving Propane tanks, gasoline, lawn equipment that has some gasoline in the tank, firearms, explosives, ammo, paint, liquids of any kind. (empty all fuel tanks prior to our arrival if we are handling the item), printers, fax, copiers, computers, lamps, and plants of any kind.
2. Sprinkler systems or irrigation components unless QC is notified in writing before the move that you have a point of concern and agree to place a flag at each sprinkler head near the presumed trucking areas.
3. Caving in of a portion of the driveway or cracks to new or old cement that can’t withstand the weight of a standard loaded 26,000 pound moving truck. (Please email QC if your driveway is a concern so we can look at alternative methods).
4. Verbal Estimates of any kind (phone estimates are simply a combination of average durations multiplied by our service rates)
5. Emotional harm, pain and suffering, consequential, special, punitive, and incidental damages that might otherwise be available. Customer agrees that QC’s total liability to Customer, or to those claiming through Customer, for all losses, damages, and causes of action [in contract, tort (including without limitation, negligence), or otherwise] shall never exceed the amount Customer paid to QC for service.
6. Consequences from authorizing an attempt to move via rooftop, balcony,window, driveway, or lawn.
7. Moving Injury to customer or any non QC employee or service agent. (Please stay off QC trucks, manage children and pets stay safe from the hazards of moving)
8. QC is not liable, authorized, or insured for disconnecting or reconnecting water or gas lines, hanging TV’s or pictures, spills from firepits, gasoline, chemicals, liquids, in garage/elsewhere or during move (please empty all fuel from all items we are to move).

Other Limitations:

A. QC has a strict policy against moving jewelry, rare collections, high value paintings, urns, cash, other currencies, purses, medications, medical devices, computers, hard drives, data storage items, propane, firearms, explosives, tobacco, alcohol, or flammables. Please remove such items from the vacinity/property prior to our arrival as we do not entertain such claims. We do not remount wall hangings or tv’s, or install surround sound components.

B. Hiring multiple moving/hauling companies can cause a liability conflict. If QC did not move you into storage but do move you out of storage, or vice versa, QC is released from all liability unless provided irrefutable evidance of responsible parties.

C. Any and all claims of damage to any electronics (TV’s, appliances, mechanical beds, electric recliners, MUST be made WHILE the movers are still unloading. No electronic related damage claims can be made after the movers depart from unloading.

D. For Quality Assurance and Damage Prevention, the following supplies will be provided and automatically charged if deemed appropriate to protect your items from damage or wear unless you provide these materials for the movers upon arrival to begin moving your valued belongings.

Mattress Shield $20 each
TV/Picture Boxes: $30 each
Carpet Shield: $25 per use