What To Do Before Bloomfield Hills MI Movers Arrive

To make your move go faster, it’s advisable to be well-prepared before the professionals arrive to help you. Here are actionable steps to take on location before our Bloomfield Hills MI movers arrive at your home.

Get rid of unwanted items

In case of any clutter or unwanted items, do away with them. You can throw them away, donate or sell them. No need to carry them with you to your new spot.

Have a plan for your pets and kids

It’s essential to keep your pets and kids safe when making a move. Therefore, have a plan of how they will be taken care of on that day. This might involve hiring a babysitter or nanny to keep an eye on them. Alternatively, you can arrange for pets to be away at a boarding house or stay with friends or family.

Keep your valuables safe

Any valuable or small items or fragile things that can easily get damaged should be kept safely. This includes things like jewelry, money, electronics and other stuff. Keep these aside in a safe place. You can organize to move them yourself in your car.

Prepare parking space

Prepare space where the truck of the moving company in Bloomfield Hills will park. This involves moving away any vehicles that might be in the driveway. If you live in an apartment, talk to the property manager and ask if there are any requirements to be met. You might also need to inform them that you’ll need to use the lift as well.

Be available

When utilizing our moving services in Bloomfield Hills, ensure that you’re available on that day. This will help you direct the movers on what you want to be done or things put. You’ll also be able to answer any questions that the professionals have. This will help things go more smoothly.